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Submit your Ruby Ticket review

If you've recently attended an event through the Arts Emergency Ruby Ticket scheme, please use the form below to submit a review about your experience!

We can't wait to read your review. We may also share your writing on the Arts Emergency website and our social media platforms.

For tips on how to write an interesting review please take a look at our Writing Great Reviews blog series.

Writing Great Reviews: Exhibitions

Writing Great Reviews: Film

Writing Great Reviews: Theatre

You might find it helpful to think about one or two of these questions:

  • would you recommend the event to a friend? Why?
  • did you relate to anything in the performance?
  • what moments had impact?
  • did you have an emotional response to anything you saw?
  • what do you think the intent behind the piece was? What themes did you spot?

If you have questions please contact our Communications Officer, Sukayna Powell.

Ruby Ticket Reviews 

Contact Details

Please use the same email that you have registered with Arts Emergency.
Event Details

(5 = fantastic time and 1 = did not like it at all. )
We really want to know about your experience (good or bad) so please write at least one paragraph/4 sentences. The quality of your review will influence the success of your future applications for Ruby Ticket events.

If you have any issues using this form please contact us at

Under 18 Media Consent
If you are under 18 years old we will need your parent or guardian's consent before we publish your story. You have the right to withdraw media consent at any time. Read more:

18 + Media Consent

Data Statement
The information collected in this form will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating opportunities for our young people. It will only be shared in the context of providing content for our evaluation reports if you have given us permission, and we will always involve you in that process. Please read our Privacy Policy for full information on how we handle your data.