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Young Community

If you've had an Arts Emergency mentor, when you turn 18 you'll be able to join our Young Community and we'll support you until your 26th birthday.

Peer Networking

Get onto the Young Community Discord so you can connect and collaborate with other Community members. We also organise workshops, trips and opportunities for you to meet each other. Keep an eye out for the Discord link in the monthly newsletter.

Youth Collective

The Youth Collective is a group of our Young Community members who meet regularly to develop their own advocacy, activism and community work, and ensure youth voice is at the centre of everything Arts Emergency does. We recruit new members of the Youth Collective every year so If you want to get more involved, look out for your chance to sign up in your monthly newsletter.

Promote your work

Got work you want the world to see? We have thousands of followers from across the creative industries, and we want to help get your work in front of them. Whether it’s audio, fine art, spoken word, graphics, video, writing, design, dance… anything - let’s help you get seen.

The Newsletter

The newsletter drops into your inbox every month offering news, opportunities, freebies and lots more. It's the main way we'll stay in touch with you so make sure you're subscribed. If you want to change the email address we send the newsletter to, please get in touch: