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Wish List

Our Young Talent can make a request for support or opportunities once a month. Have a look and tell us which request you can help with.

How does it work?

  1. Every month Arts Emergency Young Talent and mentors add requests to the Wish List.
  2. Arts Emergency emails the Wish List to our Network members. If you can help, simply tick the box next to the request and write a brief description. If you know someone else who could help, please forward this page directly to them to fill out.
  3. You must be a Network member to complete the form, you can sign up to the Network here.
  4. We send Wish List responses to the young people and they confirm which one they would like to follow up with.
  5. We contact the Network member and then connect them to the young person (or their mentor if they're under 18) via email.

Connecting with our young people

So you’ve been matched with a young person, what happens next?

If the young person is a Young Community member (over 18), you’ll receive an email from an Arts Emergency Community staff member introducing you to the young person.

If the young person is under 18, you will be introduced to their mentor. You will be expected to arrange a time between yourself, the mentee and mentor to meet virtually or in real life.

We expect networking between our Young Talent and volunteers to be done over email, video call or in person. Please only use Zoom, Google Meets or Skype. Ask them what platform they feel most comfortable using. Please do not interact with the young person you are introduced to over social media.

For more guidance on networking, please see our Networking resource page.

Arts Emergency Wish List

The Wish List is now closed and will reopen next month.