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Mentor reports

Our mentor report form is your way to let us know how your mentoring session went, submit a request to connect with someone from our network, or plan some work experience - all in one spot!

Mentoring Meeting Report

We use these reports to ensure we’re offering you and your mentee the best support possible and we aim to reply to every report within two weeks of hearing from you. These are private reports (your mentee doesn't see them). To make the process smoother, you can use a bespoke link which you should have been provided with.

Wish List Request

Tap into our Network of over 9,000 creative professionals! On behalf of your mentee, you can request a chat with a professional within our network.

Work Experience Proposal

It's ah-may-zing when mentors are able to offer work placement opportunities for their mentees - this could be anything from a workplace visit to an internship! We just need you to read through some guidance to ensure the experience is safe and stimulating for your mentee.

Need any help or advice?

Contact your local Mentoring Officer or

If you have any safeguarding concerns, you can report your concern, find advice and contact our team here.

Mentor Report

Mentor Report

Thanks for using your bespoke reporting link! By using this link, you don't need to write names or emails.


Your Mentoring Details

Meeting Report

If you have a safeguarding concern please get in touch through our safeguarding form

About Wish List Requests

Arts Emergency has an amazing network of thousands of creative and cultural professionals who’ve all come forward to support our mission and the young people we work with. Let us know who you want to speak to and we’ll ask the Network! 

You can only can submit 
one request to the Wish List per month.

Time scale

We send Wish Lists out to the Network at the beginning of every month. Please note, it usually takes us at least one month to sort out your request.

Meeting arrangements  
If someone in the Network agrees to support you, we will connect you and you can then arrange the date and time of the meeting.

Connection Reports
After you and your mentee meet up with someone in the network, your mentee will have to send us a connection report before they can be put in contact with someone else.

For more information please see our Wish List FAQ page.
If your mentee is under 18, you will need to attend any meetings with the Network member, and be cc'd in all email correspondence.

If they're 18 or over, we think it's still nice for you to be there to support them, but it's not compulsory.
Who would you like to be connected with?

Requests usually take at least 1 month to organise. If your request is time sensitive please give us a bit more info i.e. is there a particular date you need this by?

About Work Experience
We love it when mentors are able to arrange work experiences for their mentees! This could be workplace visits, shadowing opportunities, an insight week, or a paid placement.

Here is how we define these:

 • Visits - the young person is given a tour of a workplace and talks to colleagues
 • Shadowing - the young person observes different workplace tasks over the course of a day or two
 • Insight week - the young person is given hands-on work experience over several days
 • Paid placement - any work engagement over five working days

We have created a  Code of Conduct for organisations which outlines the behaviours Arts Emergency expects from all organisations we work with. These guidelines are to help your organisation treat young people fairly, with the respect and care they deserve. Before continuing, please read through the linked document.

Arts Emergency has a duty to ensure any activities that are being arranged are safe and ethical, and so we ask you to fill out the details below. Ideally this is done one month before the experience.

For unpaid work experiences, we recommend allocating £15 a day for lunch and travel expenses for each young person. Mentees can be reimbursed for their travel costs to work experiences via Arts Emergency. However, we would hope that organisations could cover this cost if possible, and also consider providing lunch expenses for the young person. 

Organisation Details

The Experience

If known in advance, please select the start and end date of this placement.


We advise that every work experience has a formal risk assessment to explore all the risk factors at play in your workplace. When working with under 18s, there should be clear procedures to ensure their safety and wellbeing. You can download a risk assessment template from us here and read our safeguarding policies here.

Organisations should have Liability Insurance to cover compensation in case of any injuries or illnesses as a result of activities undertaken during this work experience. As a rule, where 'work' in any form is being undertaken, organisations should have Employers Liability Insurance, whereas in the case of visits or shadowing, organisations may be covered by Public Liability Insurance instead as there is no 'work' occurring.

If you have these documents already, please upload them here:

Thank you for providing this opportunity! We will get back to you as soon as possible after you click 'Submit'.