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Check-in Form

At the mid-point of your mentoring experience, we ask that mentees fill out a short check-in form.

We use these check-ins to better understand how your mentoring relationship is going and offer you support. The contents of the form remain private so feel free to be open and honest.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please report your concern, find advice and contact our team here.

Other touch-points:

  • Safeguarding concerns - please see our guidance on these pages and report any concerns here
  • Local officers - You can always reach out to your local officer via their personal work emails, or by contacting our general email address,

Check-in Form

Mentee Check-In


Please check that your name is written in the box below. If this is not your name, please get in touch with us at to receive the correct link.
Thank you for filling out this mentee check-in form! The information we collect will not be shared with your mentor. It is used to help you to reflect on the experience so far, and for us to understand your experience better.

Excellent, please click 'Next page' to get started

Section 1: Reflecting

Please take your time to write a response to the following questions. Try to spend at least five minutes on this and write openly and honestly.

Section 2

Agree Disagree Unsure