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YOU can help an under-resourced young person get a fair shot at the future they want.

'Arts Emergency helped me see there isn’t just one ‘right decision’'

Louis wants to study architecture at university, so we matched him with Lorenza, an architect in Manchester.

Louis: Our first mentor meeting was an eye-opening discussion that left me feeling inspired and enthusiastic. I feel more confident now due to the support around me and my better understanding of how to accomplish my goals. My favourite part of the mentoring year was my week in Somerset for an Architectural Drawing Summer School.

Lorenza: I saw a great change in Louis, his confidence grew and grew through work experience and through reviewing his existing portfolio of work, really reflecting on his passions and learning and curiosities. At the Architectural Drawings Summer School he met young people from all over the country and started to see himself in the world of architecture.

I feel relief and peace of mind knowing there isn’t one set path but in fact several pathways taking you to your destination.

Lorenza: I wanted to be of support to a young person because I know that without networks and connections making a career into architecture is really hard. Sharing my journey with my mentee helped me really appreciate my own path and how far I’ve come. It has brought me so much joy during a really difficult year. My conversations and emails with my mentee were always a moment of positivity.

Louis: Since my mentoring, I can confidently say I feel better prepared for the future. I now know it’s okay not to know. Arts Emergency helped me see there isn’t just one ‘right decision’ and introduced me to creative connections that I wouldn’t have got to engage with otherwise. I feel relief and peace of mind knowing there isn’t one set path but in fact several pathways taking you to your destination.

My conversations and emails with my mentee were always a moment of positivity during a really difficult year.

Louis: I would 100% urge anyone thinking of applying for a mentor to do it. Even if they don't know what academic or creative direction they want to pursue, I would encourage them to apply as my creative connections now span wider than architecture, which was my initial reason for applying.

Lorenza: Arts Emergency is life changing, vibrant, and exciting. I would encourage anyone considering mentoring to absolutely do it. It may just be the best thing you have ever done, for yourself first and foremost.