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Share an Opportunity

Help us support the next generation by sharing your opportunities, job adverts, tickets, gifts and more with our Young Talent.

Every month we share a wide range of free opportunities with hundreds of Arts Emergency young people via our newsletters. These opportunities include:

  • Educational & Development Opportunities - We’d love to share information about bursaries, traineeships, free courses, free workshops, and scholarships.
  • Adverts for Paid Jobs - We’re always looking to advertise freelance jobs, entry level positions, internships and commissions with the remuneration clearly stated. Please note that we will only share job roles that are at least Living Wage or the average freelance rate for your industry.
  • Bespoke careers events/workplace tours - We’re also open to working with organisations who want to opportunities specifically for Arts Emergency Young Talent, to explore different creative jobs and work places.
  • Gifts - Our young people love to receive art materials, equipment, books and vouchers. Please note that we cannot accept gifts that cost over £50 each, perishable goods or physically large gifts. If you have offered to donate a physical gift that we have accepted, please send it to Arts Emergency, Unit 3, 8 Woodberry Down, London N4 2TG. Please read our gift guidance policy for more information.
  • Ruby Tickets - Through our Ruby Ticket Scheme we advertise free tickets to our Young Community members and mentors and allocate them fairly. We’ll then provide your venue with a guest list and encourage our young people to write reviews. Click here to learn more. (Please note: We’re putting a pause on Ruby Ticket offers for the summer. We’ll be opening it up again later in the year, we’ll keep you posted in the Network monthly newsletter when it re-opens for offers.)
  • Free Events and Ticket Discount codes - We’ll also happily share links to discount codes for paid events and advertise free events.

How to share an Opportunity

Only registered Arts Emergency Network members can share opportunities in our newsletter. If you are already a Network member and would like to share an opportunity, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page. If you are not a Network member please join before sharing your opportunity.

Our newsletter is sent out on the 1st of every month, so please make sure you have sent us your opportunity in time otherwise we can’t guarantee it will be included.

  • Educational/Development Opportunities & Job adverts: Please fill the form in before the 27th of the month. When we are closed over Christmas, please send us your opportunity by 3rd January.

  • Tickets: Please fill the form in before the 27th. However, if you are donating Ruby Tickets for an event that is in the first week of the month please let us know about it 5 weeks in advance.

  • Gifts: there's no deadline!

If you miss a deadline and you just want to share an opportunity that is not a Ruby Ticket or bespoke opportunity, please complete the form because we may be able to share your opportunity with our young people via our Young Community Discord.

Fill in this form to share your opportunity

Share an Opportunity

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